Thursday, February 12, 2009

Lovely Pop-Up Card from Lovely Children

This Big Thank You card was presented to Leaders Siew Mei, Lucy and I (Jean) after our sharing of Laughter exercises with the children and teachers. The venue is the Pusat Latihan dan Bimbingan Kanak-Kanak Istimewa Tunas at Taman Mt Austin.


Unknown said...

HI, I would like to thank Ms Yeow, the person in charge of the Pusat Latiahn dan Bimbingan kanak-kanak Istimewa Tunas for giving us ( Jean, LUcy and Myself (Siew Mei)for having the Laughtern sesion in the centre on the 12. Feb 09, the teachers , children and us were enjoying very much.

lee-jean said...

Hohohahaha... Thanks to Leader Anne for introducing us to Ms Yeow.... I enjoyed the session too....